Project Management/Development Services:

From our extensive project management experience, we offer in-depth consultation services on a variety of projects for lenders, investment companies and developers. Inka Partners works closely with owners and investors to understand their objectives and creates a successful program based on those goals.

Our diverse experience allows us to quickly assess a potential real estate deal—or enter an existing deal—and offer a comprehensive plan with creative solutions by looking at the full scope of a project, not just one aspect of it.  We are able to be where our clients need us to be at all times with the goal of coordinating the efforts of everyone involved.  We work to create a positive team experience and meet the project's goals.

We value our client’s needs, helping them understand the details of each project phase and pride ourselves on maintaining many long-term consulting relationships.  We value our client's needs, helping them understand all the details of each phase and pride ourselves on our long-term consulting relationships with clients.

Inka’s Development services include:

  • Analyze project feasibility for maximum project value, including proforma development
  • Develop strategic plan for successful operations and identify highest value exit scenarios
  • Prepare detailed financial analysis for budget preparation and update projections
  • Create and prepare monthly reporting structure for all parties, including banks, investors
  • and management
  • Coordinate and direct property personnel to ensure that all entities—property management,
  • marketing and maintenance/construction—are working towards the strategic plan
  • Serve as owner’s representative for all day-to-day operations
  • Represent owner position at municipal, community and association meetings
  • Transition the project from developer to REO, as well as from REO to a new owner
  • Receivership for bank owned properties


Inka’s Client List
North Community Bank
Oxford Bank and Trust
Everest Partners
Kroupa Development
Buz Design
2930 & 3033 N. Sheridan LLC
Conlon & Co.
CCM Sheridan LLC